Changing my world, one step at a time

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Pre-Cleanse begins

I made my new vision board this weekend. Vision boards always get the creative juices flowing and ignite possibilities. If you've never made one, you really must!

The official date for the cleanse to begin is January 10th. That'll be the first day of my 21 day Adventure Cleanse! But today the pre-cleanse began. The rules for this week are as follows:

-Slowly remove coffee. Cut back to one cup a day by the end of the week.

-Cut back to no more than two alcoholic drinks a week and choose organic red wine.

-Drink lots of purified water.

-Reduce meat consumption to 3 to 4 ounces twice a week.

-Phase out gluten and dairy. Include no more than 3 servings of each over the week.

-Completely cut out processed sugar and refined carbs.

-Double up on the greens and have green juice a couple of times this week.

In addition I'm getting my cabinets in order, bagging up my supplements, making a couple of massage appointments, dusting off my rebounder and journal. Among other things :)

I'm using Kris Carr's "Crazy Sexy Diet" as my guidebook for this cleanse. I love Kris. She totally rocks!! I've watched her documentary "Crazy Sexy Cancer" over and over, whenever I've needed inspiration. I'll write more about her later.

More tomorrrow!
C xxoo

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on this new project. Hope it helps you. Love your vision board. You did a great job on it. Can't wait to see more! Love you!
